Physical Address
1990 Old Fort Pkway. #C
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Physical Address
1990 Old Fort Pkway. #C
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Grandparent: death from cancer; Parents: one with arthritis, deep veins thrombosis, high estrogen, the other with alcohol addiction, serious depression/anxiety (final suicide when still young & liver rupture destroy).
The lady has been keeping a very good healthy diet, but she still had lots of health problems: since teenager, she had inconsistent periods: sometimes she wouldn’t have a period for months, sometimes very heavy. Doctors prescribed birth control pills or Mirena IUD with synthetic hormone to regulate her periods but all failed. She ever took different kinds of medicine and brain stent surgery, put IUD back in her body against her heavy bleeding periods, seasonal/wasps/shellfish…allergies, anxiety, depression, insomnia, foggy thinking, irritable temper, over 12 years of plantar fasciitis (aching feet), IBS, heartburn/indigestion, burps, chronic fatigue, high estrogen, high cholesterol, constipation & diarrhea switches, serious night sweats/teeth grinding, TMJ problem, chronic inflammation/pains, degenerated shoulder, calcified granulomas/nodules/messes in different organs which caused numbness in her hands and couldn’t do lifting movements with arms and shoulder, attacked by COVID 19 twice resulting in lots of mucus behind her throat after each meals and she had to take medication to help clearing the mucus, then in recent years life-threatening 16.71mm-sized brain aneurysm showing up, severe intense chronic headache and eyes pains. With long-term hormone imbalance, she also got a 2.0cm brenner tumor in her right ovary.
This case has clearly demonstrated how diseases/pains/symptoms spread from one to more, from the surface muscles and tendons to the depth of the body. but medicine, IUD and surgery masking symptoms cannot stop root causes’ continuous bad working in the body.
After the lights therapy, many years of symptoms/depression anxiety/chronic pains/brain aneurysm/messes in her organs disappear so she can move her body flexibly, more energetic. She can enjoy her favorite shellfish like crabs and no emergent dangers happen when she has been bitten by wasps. Her doctor wanted her to remove her right ovary based on a worry that the brenner tumor was cancer & her grandmother died from an ovary cancer. Considering her body’s good healing power by making the brain aneurysm, all other messes in different organs e.g. her left ovary and pains disappear, I inferred the tumor in her right ovary should be benign. When cancer really existed, everthing in the body should be worsened off with very poor healing power not like her situation. Finally she chose to have her right ovary removed and the pathology reported negative good news to her. Surgeries are in need when some tumors cannot be removed by the body, but it is a regret that she has abandoned her good ovary just because of pure scare/worry. She also had IUD removed in order to let her body detoxin more naturally. She had realized medicine can imbalance her body, so after the brenner tumor removal surgery, she didn’t take any medicine including painskilling medicine prescribed by the doctor.
Getting rid of root causes are more important than just removing the victim organs or masking symptoms. As long as root causes exist, new tumors can regrow and the body cannot undergo several times’ surgeries.
Since we began the lights therapy, she had stopped all the medicines except aspirin which was prescribed by her doctor after her brain stent surgery. I wanted her to check whether the brain aneurysm was still there in order to stop aspirin. As I know, the body doesn’t like chemicals, even aspirin can imbalance the body. It has been proved that the brain aneurysm has disappeared, no medication needed to be taken long time to imbalance her body, but the pipeline stent (device) has to be left forever in her brain. It should be difficult and have risks to take it out. All her pains and diseases are past histories and she can enjoy her life. Since we started lights therapy, she has never had any flu/cold up to now (14 months). The body has told her that she has succeeded in helping her body to get rid of root causes and her body has also set up a good defense against the outside world already.
Because of the big sized brain aneurysm, the doctor recommended her to put a pipeline stent in her head which cost her over $8,000 out of own pocket, but it didn’t help her out of chronic intense headache and eyes pains (no painkilling medicine effective as well). Then she had to pay $960 for only examing the brain aneurysm again. If the insurance company didn’t cover the checkup fee, she had to pay over $9,000. In sharp contrast, she paid much less money to activate her body to heal her serious health issues. The body is the best but affordable doctor.