Physical Address

1990 Old Fort Pkway. #C
Murfreesboro, TN 37129

Case No. 8 (comprehensive with over 40 years of serious itching eyes and running nose, recently ovary cysts inflammation with pains, constipation & diarrhea switches, insomnia, asthma)

She is a nurse and esthetician. She had itching eyes and running nose for over 40 years since childhood. These allergy symptoms were so serious that she had to take Antihistamines (Claritin, Zyrtec) & nasal steroids (Flonase) everyday for many years. Recently she got more pains in the body and was diagnosed ovary cysts inflammation. Her doctor told her her body lacked of estrogen/progesterone and wanted to prescribe her estrogen/progesterone.

She could no longer bear these symptoms and came here to try our lights therapy. I did for her only 3 times then her many years’ itching eyes and running nose have gone. She no longer feels any pains from ovary cysts. Her constipation & diarrhea switches have disappeared too. She has got soft stools and no more insomnia.

She told me when she was in the lights therapy sessions, she kept telling her body “this is the best thing in the world, all the body opened and please take all of them”. Her body is so clever and sensitive. Upon regaining the bio-information and getting rid of the main root causes, all the above mentioned symptoms have vanished.

Once again, the body has made miracles to surprise her. She is so happy that she can sleep so well and those serious symptoms all disppear. Previously wine was her favorite. But now wine taste is nasty she feels and no more wine. She takes no more any medicines as well.

She also told me a secret that to remove benign tumors is cheaper than to remove an organ based on different codes; if patients go to see the doctors, please don’t be rush and reckless to abandon your own body’s organs if unnecessary.

In a word, if you decide to remove your victim good organ, you pay more but you may get a loss to make your body unbalanced which can cause more new symptoms and pains in future. To remove root causes and help the body indeed is more important than to remove the parts of your body or to mask symptoms only.

On 3/2/2025, she came back for relaxation massage and told me of no more asthma too. I also found that before the light therapy, there was a big knot and small knots along her right shoulder blade, now these knots disappeared and her back is no longer stiff or tight as before but flexible.